Saturday, July 19, 2008

Happy Birthday to me!!

I am 42 today and I view it as a blessing! I slept in a little and enjoyed the peace and quiet. RJ fixed me breakfast, Ross made me a cake and Ryan iced it. Randy and Chris took me out to buy waffle iron. I've been wanting one that detaches for easy cleaning for quite some time. It is really nice because it is a sandwich maker and a grill. I also got a new stainless steel cookware set. This is something else that I have been wanting for quite some time. As our children are growing we need additional cookware.

I have an 81 year old,dear friend who gave me a bike a few weeks ago. While it is in really good condition, I requested that for my birthday it get a good cleaning and addition's like a really comfortable seat, new paddles. We are still working on the basket, horn and streamers! Yes, you heard me right. I can't wait to show it off when it's finished! Once it is done I will take a really nice picture of it and show you all how beautiful it is. :)

Thanks to my family for such a terrific day! The cup cakes in the picture came from another friend of ours, how sweet. Thanks...Shannon they area mmm mmmm Good!


Jamie {See Jamie blog} said...

Happy birthday to you! said...

Birthday Blessings to you!

Love, Dar

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful and blessed birthday! Happy Belated Birthday to you!

Kelly Lancaster

About Me

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Southeast, United States
I am a wife to my childhood sweet heart and very loving husband. Mother to 3 incredibly handsome young men ages 15,12 and 9. I am saved by my Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I am a homeschooling mother who calls it a priviledge and a blessing to do so.