Monday, November 24, 2008

DIY Junkie!

I think that I am becoming a DIY junkie! We (Randy) made our oldest son a bed, with under bed storage. I am so excited. My job is to paint it. The bed is looking good. Our son even commented on how nice it looks. I recently painted their room and I can't wait to get this bed finished.

I love home is so much fun. I am an artist by nature and I don't get to display that side of myself much anymore. It has been year's since I've painted, or drawn ANYTHING! I do miss it, and someday I plan to pick it back up again. Right now I'll continue to dabble in "creating" our home into a place that feels just like that...HOME!

I'll post picture's as soon as I am done.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The State of the U.S.A.

I was listening to one of my favorite christian radio station's this evening and there was a section where they reported the news. I am so disturbed at what I learned today. I was completely floored to hear that there is human trafficking in AMERICA, yes right here in the good ole' USA. They named states like Oklahoma, Kansas, certain parts of FLORIDA. This is so huge that these people are taking children right off of the streets, traumatizing them so much so that they won't try to run away. They even change their names.

...A brief story was told of a young girl 12 year's old who went to a "higher level" educated school that she had to walk some distance to get to. She was a great student and primarily good child. She was kidnapped by a pimp because the money is so GREAT they will go to major lengths to get these children. He changed her name, controlled her to a point that she was terrified of him. She was arrested 17 times in one year for "PROSTITUTION" if you can believe that! She has a record. No one checked to see who her parent's were. They allowed anyone to pick her up once she served her time. She was greatly terrified of her pimp and wouldn't turn him in. After realizing that her pimp and the men who were "buying" her didn't do any jail time she finally she got the strength to get out of this situation when she was "16"! This is mind blowing. Her pimp ended up in prison for a very long time.
These children aren't poverty stricken, there aren't any specifics as to who gets chosen as it relates to economic status or race.
There is BIG money (approximately 1,000.00 or so a day) to be made in this horrific "business" if you will, and "greed" is the main reason for this outrageous crime.

This news saddens me greatly and leaves me heart broken for all of these children and wondering "why" and "how"? It truly is beyond my level of comprehension. This is something that goes on in third world countries...are we becoming one ourselves? Not that is ok to be going on there either.What is it that we truly care about in AMERICA? Is there a New World Order? These are all question's that in my humble opinion are worth pondering over. These and many other happening's could be sign's of the end times for sure. As a Christian, I know one thing for sure I have J E S U S! No matter, what happens in this world, it is NOT my home. For that I am thankful.
Please join me in praying for all of these children who's parent's must think that they are in the bottom of an ocean somewhere...while we are at it lets pray for their parent's too!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Delicious and easy apple pie

I made apple pie last night. My children have asked me for year's to make apple pie. I finally got my nerves up to "try". I found a recipe and it was very easy and I couldn't believe how good it was. If my hubby comments on how good something taste, than I know it is good.

I used fresh granny smith apples (peeling is time consuming), flour,butter,baking powder,sucanat sugar (called for white sugar) and brown sugar. I purchased already made pie crust which came two in a package. I used one for the topping crust of one pie. I had enough filling for 2 more pies so I had to make a top crust out of the flour that I had. I used a mixture of wheat flour being hard white and red, a little bran flour and made a biscuit dough for the topping of the other two pies. I couldn't have planned it to come out tasting so good. I couldn't believe it, in my Home Comfort's book the author says that a woman should be able to cook without using a cookbook through experiment's etc. When I first read that I didn't agree totally, but now I do think that there are some advantages to being "able" to cook without using "recipe's" all of the time. My mother didn't even own any recipe books and we loved her made up dishes. I guess you can say that I am a little proud of myself for giving up fear of making apple pie.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Gearing up for another race

Yes, I have decided to participate in another race. My husband is so good to me he got me a treadmill so I've been trying to build my endurance for this next race. It will be the first week of December. I am excited that another friend of mine is going to do the race with me. My goal is always to try to beat my previous time. Pray for us to do well and our safety. As I age...not that I am old or anything :) but I have a fear of falling..ha!

Monday, November 10, 2008


I just attended a banquet for a local adoption angency in out town. What stands out the most to me is about a woman who had 7 children (single mom) traveled from the state of Illinois to Georgia to start a new life. She lived in a few shelter's and ultimately got on her feet by findind a job and a place for her chilren to live. She didn't know anyone here and to her surprise she was pregnant with her 8th child. She knew she couldn't afford to take care of another child so she made the decision to put it up for adoption. I think of how hard that must have been for that mother to already have childrena and not be able to keep this one. Ultimately the child was adopted into a wonderful family and is fine. What a huge sacrifice this woman made. I can't imagine ever doing that and I know this woman must have felt GREAT pain in making this desicion, but I thank God that she made the decision.
...Another story about a older child between the age of 7-9 I really don't remember, because I had Chris with me (smile) anyway the agency got a call that this biological child's parent wanted to put "her" up for adoption, I kept thinking "really" after all of this time. They didn't go into details as to why but that they had to really pray for this situation because they don't usually take older children. Her point was if we don't say "yes" to a child who will? That hit hard! Who will take a child into their home to love and train up in the LORD? Who will? They said yes and they PRAYED specific's for this child and the adoptive parent's and GOD answered not one, not two but ALL of their prayer's and this child is happy now with new parent's.

I don't know why people make the decision's that they make but I am so glad that there are agencies like this one to be there for the new born child or older one. I am so thankful for these families as well. My heart aches for the innocent child who needs a home. As a little girl I always wanted to adopt a child from every country. I don't know if the Lord has that plan for my life, but I do think that more children are in his plans for our family.

One baby..??? NO two babies!!!!

My dear sweet friend Mrs. B was pregnant with her 7th child. Two weeks before she was due she found out that there were two..instead of one. She now has 7 son's and 1 daughter. How sweet they are.... Julian and Jackson

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Did you vote?

I for one am so happy that this day has come and is almost gone. I have thought about voting vs. not voting. I have had numerous conversation's with many people on this issue. Ultimately, I decided to vote. It wasn't easy for me because I did not want to choose either candidate and that included Bob Barr. Frankly, I can see the end times approaching and faster than we may realize. I have prayed and I have prayed to our Heavenly Father who should I vote for and without getting a clear answer on that issue specifically. He whispered to me to "ask" my husband. So, I did and I went solely on his advice. It amazed me at how quickly the anxiety left my body after doing what the Lord told me to do. I am content with it and so we move on to see who our new president will be. Either way it goes I believe that God will have his way and his will be done.

I am learning to be the woman that God has called me to be and it just feels GREAT! It never fails that when I make decision's from acting in obedience to him he always blesses me. What faithfulness to an undeserving woman like me.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Race for a cure...

I participated in another 5K today. This race was to help children who have cancer and their families. Just racing for that fact alone was the ultimate reason I did it. It was cold this morning at 8 a.m. I don't think I warmed up until well after noon. :)
It was really encouraging to see all of the children taking part in such a great cause today.
I met my goal and that was to beat my last time, which I did by 4 minutes and approximately 40 seconds. I was excited! There is a jingle bell race next month that I can't believe that I am honestly considering. I don't think that I can talk my friend into doing that one too! I may be alone on that one.
Overall I felt really blessed to have taken place in this race and for a friend who agreed to do it with me.

About Me

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Southeast, United States
I am a wife to my childhood sweet heart and very loving husband. Mother to 3 incredibly handsome young men ages 15,12 and 9. I am saved by my Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I am a homeschooling mother who calls it a priviledge and a blessing to do so.