Monday, November 10, 2008


I just attended a banquet for a local adoption angency in out town. What stands out the most to me is about a woman who had 7 children (single mom) traveled from the state of Illinois to Georgia to start a new life. She lived in a few shelter's and ultimately got on her feet by findind a job and a place for her chilren to live. She didn't know anyone here and to her surprise she was pregnant with her 8th child. She knew she couldn't afford to take care of another child so she made the decision to put it up for adoption. I think of how hard that must have been for that mother to already have childrena and not be able to keep this one. Ultimately the child was adopted into a wonderful family and is fine. What a huge sacrifice this woman made. I can't imagine ever doing that and I know this woman must have felt GREAT pain in making this desicion, but I thank God that she made the decision.
...Another story about a older child between the age of 7-9 I really don't remember, because I had Chris with me (smile) anyway the agency got a call that this biological child's parent wanted to put "her" up for adoption, I kept thinking "really" after all of this time. They didn't go into details as to why but that they had to really pray for this situation because they don't usually take older children. Her point was if we don't say "yes" to a child who will? That hit hard! Who will take a child into their home to love and train up in the LORD? Who will? They said yes and they PRAYED specific's for this child and the adoptive parent's and GOD answered not one, not two but ALL of their prayer's and this child is happy now with new parent's.

I don't know why people make the decision's that they make but I am so glad that there are agencies like this one to be there for the new born child or older one. I am so thankful for these families as well. My heart aches for the innocent child who needs a home. As a little girl I always wanted to adopt a child from every country. I don't know if the Lord has that plan for my life, but I do think that more children are in his plans for our family.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful testimony! Thankyou for sharing. Mrs. M

Anonymous said...

What a blessing that you could attend that conference. I think I had told you before that Dale and I are both adopted. Fortunately for both of us we were both blessed with good families to adopt us but there are so many children who are not as fortunate. May the Lord continue to expand your family as He sees fit. :)

P.S. The twins are adorable!

Hope your having a great week,
Love, Kelly

Mia said...

Thank you for sharing! My heart aches for the older teens (my age) who've never been in a loving, christian home...then going into the world (or even the military!) without anyone. It's good to hear the success stories and testimonies though, and I praise God for those with a burden on their hearts for adoption! Thanks, Ms. Vicki!


Ashibu said...

I love your blog and will work harder on mine, Thanks for sharing your life and really good tips with us "I love you guy's!" see you all soon. Ashibu

About Me

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Southeast, United States
I am a wife to my childhood sweet heart and very loving husband. Mother to 3 incredibly handsome young men ages 15,12 and 9. I am saved by my Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I am a homeschooling mother who calls it a priviledge and a blessing to do so.