Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Rising chef

This cookbook is really good it covers safety, how and where to hold the food when using a sharp knife. It talks about organic foods and what it means. Making various stocks from scratch. We are going to work on that this weekend. I can't wait to see what he decides to cook next. I am so proud of my son. Who knows we may have a chef on our hands or he may just be an excellent help to his wife and cook for her often.

Since Ryan loves to cook I decided I would nurture this ambition in him. With that do some teaching about making healthy food choices...etc. We borrowed a "International children's cook book" from the library. He was so excited and eagerly searched for something to make for the family. He decided on "Hot and sour soup", chinese recipe. He knows that is my all time favorite so we purchased ingredient's and came home and cooked. I know it won't be long before he will be able to be turned completely loose in the kitchen. Enjoy the picture's..

This soup wasn't as dark as the picture, but boy was it good. We enjoyed it so much.

Ingredient's were: tofu (first time we used this), pork loin, mushrooms, chicken stock, peas, corn starch, green onion, soy sauce, vinegar,cornstarch, egg. We substituted several ingredients with heathier choices.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Cherry blossom festival...fun

Chris enjoying ice cream at the festival.
The driver was really nice and this horse belonged to him. He offered these rides for "free". It was a pleasant and fun ride.

Horse drawn carriage ride was the best. We all enjoyed it so much. Made me want to learn more about horses.

The pink poodle.. was really friendly, not sure she enjoyed the pink dye though. :)

This is Buddy who is up for adoption, look at his face. How cute is he. He was so sweet and all of us wanted to bring him home that day. Notice his "pink" bandana around his neck.

Even the dog's get dressed up in cherry blossom "pink".

We really enjoyed seeing the dog show, the sea lion's and listening to christian music in the park on one day.
The next we had the opportunity to listen to high school boy's play instrumental music, they were really good, take a carriage ride and enjoy ice cream. It was worth our time.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Up early today...

I woke up at 4:30 this morning and I sure does feel GREAT to be up before my DH who is the early bird in the family. He has good reason to sleep in this morning, though because he worked late into the night as a matter of fact I don't know when came to bed.

I completed, finally, my day 3 of "Setting captives free". It is best to do this in the AM as it does put the mind in the proper place seeking the Father's guidance.

Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in him! PSALM 34:8

...a scripture to ponder today as I eat when I have been signaled by the Lord to do so.

Thankful for this ministry. It is so much more than for those of us who need guidance with our eating. Check it out there are many other topic's to choose from.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


This is from www.settingcaptivesfree.com. To my friend's who may be blessed by this prayer AMEN!


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Random Updates

The old computer that I shared with the children had issues and we lost many old picture's. I'm so heart broken by this.

Good news is my sweet hubby brought me a lap top.

God is working on my heart as it relates to "eating" righteously. I am trying to focus on eating only when his signal alarms me that I am hungry. Desperately, trying to follow "settingcaptivesfree.com" I want to honor God in every way of my life and this is one that I've held on for to long.

We are transforming our once carport into a game room. We enclosed it over a year ago. It was a storage room and now that DH has built the shed we are free to fix it up. So far we've painted the walls all white. I need color though. We are working on the floor and once that is accomplished we will set it up with a pool table and T.V. I'm looking forward to learning how to play pool with my hubby.

Once I have learned how to download picture's onto this new lap top I will share the snow picture's that we took a few weeks a go. Boy did we have a blast!

Monday, March 2, 2009

The snow bringing back memories....of home.

It started coming down so quickly.....

Everywhere I looked it was just worthy of a picture...

My boy loving the snow...

It just looked so beautiful..

I hope these bushes will be alright..

The back yard/deck was just getting covered and it looked so beautiful...


The "THING".

Mr. and Mrs. Snowman together.

Mrs. Snowman , Ryan is so proud that he built them all by himself!

About Me

My photo
Southeast, United States
I am a wife to my childhood sweet heart and very loving husband. Mother to 3 incredibly handsome young men ages 15,12 and 9. I am saved by my Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I am a homeschooling mother who calls it a priviledge and a blessing to do so.