Saturday, February 14, 2009

Roman shade complete

Thanks to a dear friend who lent me a sewing book called "Sewing for the Home" by Singer, that is actually a really good book! It has full color picture's of actual project's with very good explanation's.
So much so, that I am planning to try to find this book for future project's.

Thanks to my dear hubby who helped me with the installation and other aspect's of making sure this project was successful.
Although it isn't perfect I am proud of it and don't feel like it was difficult at all, so I am planning on making more of them.

I found the fabric at Good Will, one of my favorite places to shop. It only cost me $2.90. I made the shade, 2 pillows for the couch and I have enough fabric to cover 4 of the cushioned chair's around my dining room table. I still haven't decided if I am going to cover them though.

Thank you LORD!

2 comments: said...

What a beautiful, frugal idea! So proud of you!

Mrs. M. said...

What pretty fabric! It looks like it turned out nicely!

About Me

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Southeast, United States
I am a wife to my childhood sweet heart and very loving husband. Mother to 3 incredibly handsome young men ages 15,12 and 9. I am saved by my Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I am a homeschooling mother who calls it a priviledge and a blessing to do so.