Sunday, October 5, 2008

Emotional Sunday

Today I had the GREAT opportunity to see of my dear Aunt Juanita, one whom I haven't seen or spent any real time with since my mother passed away 16 year's ago.

She doesn't look any older. She looks real GOOD for "75". She was always one who kept her self up nicely. She is very petite was sporting 2 to 3 inch high heels. Not a problem for her at all. I would have been tripping all over myself in heels. I've never been one to wear high heels. Growing up in Ohio, we spent a lot of time with her family. She had three children 2 boy's and one daughter. Her oldest son passed away some time back with lukemia, Larry was smart, strong and very handsome. When he got sick he tried his best to stay strong. He use to tell me I looked like Stacy Lattisaw, in our time she was young singer. We spent many summer's at their house playing and having fun as children. The short visit went well today and we had a really good time just talking for that short while. But seeing her made me think of my mother. I am actually very emotional , just wishing I could hug my mom and she could see the "woman" I have turned out to be with the help of the Lord. Hoping she would be proud of me and how we are raising her grandson's. Which she has never seen, she passed away before they were born. She would love them dearly. My youngest told me that I look like her today. I thought that was a special "kiss" from the Lord.
There are only 5 children left of my mother's siblings...from 16! It is said that two sets were twins and died at birth. My mother's birth certificate said she was a multiple and the sister right before her has twin checked on her birth certificate. They grew up with 12, 9 were girl's and the rest boy's. Talking about a large family, I come from one. Someday real soon I'd love to do a family tree and present it to the remaining sister's.

2 comments: said...

I'm so glad you had the opportunity to visit with your Aunt. How did that happen, thought y'all were not going to Rome to see her?
When I get to heaven, I will tell your Momma what a wonderful wife and Momma you are! She would be very proud!
Love you,

Elizabeth said...

I'm sorry you're missing your mom. I guess no matter how old we get, we always want our moms approval and blessing. Well, I know I'm not your mom, but I think you're doing a fantastic job with your young men. Keep it up!

About Me

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Southeast, United States
I am a wife to my childhood sweet heart and very loving husband. Mother to 3 incredibly handsome young men ages 15,12 and 9. I am saved by my Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I am a homeschooling mother who calls it a priviledge and a blessing to do so.