Tuesday, June 9, 2009

No longer missing in action....

It has been a while since I've posted on here..sorry!

Having a toddler in the home again is a joy that keeps me very busy.

Things that I've been thinking about lately....

** If you are thinking of way's to cut cost with groceries I want to invite you to visit this web-site


** Thinking of what "cost free" things to do with the children this summer?

-Going to the library is a good time. If you have younger children, story time is fun. Participating in the summer reading program is also nice to gain free prizes. Check your local library.

-Another freebie...see if your city and state are listed.

-Having a weekly picnic with another family at a local park or alternating each other's home.

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About Me

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Southeast, United States
I am a wife to my childhood sweet heart and very loving husband. Mother to 3 incredibly handsome young men ages 15,12 and 9. I am saved by my Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I am a homeschooling mother who calls it a priviledge and a blessing to do so.