Saturday, January 10, 2009

Have you heard?

I just read on another blog that it will soon be illegal to buy used children's clothes and toy's etc.

Check out the link.,0,2083247.story

I really hope this doesn't really apply to thrift or second hand stores.

Could this really be?

I really don't like the indication's of this and how awful it will be for the Goodwill who hire people that are in need of a second chance.

1 comment: said...

There are some exceptions, research more. I was at first getting frustrated about this, then have been hearing more exceptions so we will see.


About Me

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Southeast, United States
I am a wife to my childhood sweet heart and very loving husband. Mother to 3 incredibly handsome young men ages 15,12 and 9. I am saved by my Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I am a homeschooling mother who calls it a priviledge and a blessing to do so.