Wednesday, September 10, 2008

First steps...

Chris took his first steps today without holding on to anything. Of course he did this for Randy...It was so awesome. He was a little stinker today, but everything that wasn't so "good" got erased today when he took his first steps. He is turning into a TODDLER for sure. He is busy, busy, busy! I am up late and totally enjoying the "sound" of NOTHING! Well, maybe my typing on the keyboard but not a voice in the back ground. This is nice but morning comes fast so I shall retire.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Way to go Chris!

I do the same thing. The sound of a quiet house entices me to stay up waaaaay too late and then I pay (and dare I say everyone else does too)for it in the morning.

Missed you last night. Have a great day.

About Me

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Southeast, United States
I am a wife to my childhood sweet heart and very loving husband. Mother to 3 incredibly handsome young men ages 15,12 and 9. I am saved by my Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I am a homeschooling mother who calls it a priviledge and a blessing to do so.