Saturday, June 7, 2008

Chris is here!

We are so happy that lil' Chris is here! He is precious..and cutting several teeth all at the same time. I held ice for him to suck on and he just loved it.

Randy and I agree that we are "rusty", since it has been 9 whole years since there was a baby residing with us. We just figured out that he needs "2" naps a day. Ha,ha,ha! I actually thought something was wrong with him because he was crying so hard. I almost did it..."yes, you guessed it, I wanted to take him to the doctor". Let me explain, I am not the type to use the emergency room as a well check visit, but since it has only been a little over 24 hours since he has been here. Well, lets just say that I am still trying to figure him out. Don't laugh at me, now because I didn't act on my thought..ha! Once he fell asleep I understoond that he just needed another nap. Speaking of naps...he is the shortest nap taker that I know. Like 20 minutes! I thought I'd try to sleep with him, well by the time I dosed off he was awake.

He is as sweet as sugar, and a real busy little guy. Our sons love this little guy already and he is bonding to them quickly as well. It seems as though he is moving right along and catching up quickly. I am so thankful to have this opportunity to serve the Lord in this way. I am so amazed at how God answers prayer's. His way is ALWAYS best no matter what. I am so thankful to him.
I would have a picture added but my camera isn't hoo!!!

This is funny: I went shopping for Chris on Thursday to pick up a few item's that I thought he would need. Like a car seat, onesies, sheets for the pack n play...etc. Well later that evening Ms. Memory called me to get the details on how everything was going..BTW, Pastor Paul and his son Zach were working HARD with Randy to get the wood floor's in Chris' room(which turned out excellent), back to Ms. Memory, she asked me if I got him any clothes? I busted out laughing and said NO, because I had FORGOTTEN!!! If you can believe that, I really did forget to go back and look. She diagnosed me with CRS..."CAN'T REMEMBER SYNDROME". So for you other mother's out there who don't know what you have...maybe she can diagnose you too!!! ;0)

1 comment: said...

Thanks for the good laugh!!! I 'm glad I am not the only nutty momma out there!!
We are so happy for you all. On Sunday your family looked so complete and joyful!!

Love ya, Dar

About Me

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Southeast, United States
I am a wife to my childhood sweet heart and very loving husband. Mother to 3 incredibly handsome young men ages 15,12 and 9. I am saved by my Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I am a homeschooling mother who calls it a priviledge and a blessing to do so.