Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces persverance; perseverance, character; and charcter, hope.
I have recently participated in a local "The Biggest Looser" contest and we just finished our second week.
The first week, I lost a little and this week I gained. I have exercised more than ever, but wasn't really watching my diet as closely as I should have. I'm seriously convicted like never before. I joined as a way to "motivate" myself. God is showing me that a contest is fine but not HIM, or his way. I must lean on his strength, and word to defeat this horrible "sin" in my life. Ouch, that hurts even as I type it.
I read in the word today, "If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, Heb 10:26 NIV
I believe that I have the knowledge to do this but I am lacking the faith, confidence in the Lord that he will do this through me. I am STILL leaning on myself...sadly I admit.
It is EXTREMELY difficult for me to admit publically but necessary.
My plan is to first "pray". I hope to post other revelation's as he gives them to me.
Thanks for reading.... :)